Weeds to the Wise

Scientific, Heroic and Wise Woman

The ancient Wise Woman Tradition is intimately connected to the natural cycles of the plants, the earth, the moon and our bodies. Wise Women support the body's natural healing processes through the gifts of common herbs, development of compassionate intuition, the ability to listen to one's inner voice, and simple rituals that empower each person's path of healing.

The world's oldest tradition of healing offers us new ideas and options. Listening to the inner Wise Woman, men as well as women can find nourishing ways to wholeness, using the manifested gifts of "problems" and "sickness." This unique tradition will be differentiated from the more common, highly visible scientific tradition of "fixing" and the "heroic" (mistakenly called "holistic") tradition of cleansing.

Susan S. Weed is author of Healing Wise, Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, and Wise Woman Herbal for the Menopausal Years. She leads workshops around the world and at the Wise Woman Center in Woodstock, New York. www.susunweed.com

Susun Weed's herbal practice and philosophy have affected many thousands of lives. She is a powerful presence, and her slant on healing flies in the face of many conventions and institutions that are lodged firmly, almost subconsciously, in modern society. So it is with this video…She clearly explains her point of view and makes a good case for the Wise Woman approach to healing…

During those portions of the video when Weed takes the viewer outside, the yard, the farm and forest present their herbal bounty, and Weed describes many of the plants and how they are used. She also takes us into a cooking shed and demonstrates some basic herbal preparation techniques.
-David Merrill, The Herb Companion Magazine

Is the whole the same as the most toxic element? ... Or is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? … Susan Weed pleads her case for the Wise Woman tradition of sensible eating of plant foods for sufficient nutrition and how a great deal of doctoring and the use of food supplements need not be necessary to maintain health. A diet high in locally grown foods is an important aspect of her prescription for good health. A true alternative approach to preventing illness and disease, Weed combines her lecture with examples of foodstuffs high in natural nutrition.
-Laura Z. Clavio, The Herb catalog

…If you've heard Susun speak you know how enthusiastic she is. If you haven't you're in for a treat. For those concerned, this not a tape on spiritual matters, but one dealing with healing. It moves from the lecture to walks around her Wise Woman Center identifying the plants and specific uses…Susun is a born actress.
-Maureen Rogers, The Herbal Connection Magazine

Susun Weed: Speaking in the Kitchen

Susun Weed: Speaking in the Garden  
Susun Weed: Speaking About Creativity  

Alternative healing. One hour. DVD $24.95

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